Starting the day with the deep pressure activity is nice. I actually don’t need the alarm so much because it’s something I made habit of when waking my baby girl. However the challenge I noticed is all about her morning mood. Impossible to guess and very difficult to handle. Checking for some ideas we haven’t used in while sometime helps. There are always days when nothing works. There other days however that surprising her with something new or something from the distant past is what makes the difference.
For the afternoon activity we have vestibular, motion. We placed it there because it’s easiest to stop by the park or playground on the way home and get that out of her system. But now it’s so hot outside that we had to come up with some indoor ideas. So we went ahead and bought a hammock. The only catch was I accidentally cut off some power line when I hanged it… Oh well, an electrician visit later and the hammock was all set. The hammock is really great. It has an amazing cost benefit equation. Meaning it requires very little parental effort (=Cost) for an otherwise very demanding vestibular activity with great impact (=Benefit). Funny how we always end up choosing the activity that requires the least effort from us the parents…