Let’s make carryover better, together

SensoryTreat is a carryover collaboration platform, providing therapists and caregivers with digital tools to make home program activities part of a child’s everyday routine.

A helpful framework for managing carryover

Co-create home programs, set SMART targets, monitor adherence and keep on top of your entire caseload –all from one screen.

Therapists have a new ally

Reduce your overtime and free up your evening hours. Say goodbye to folders and paper files. So, you can focus on doing what you do best.


Occupational therapy app
managed by practitioners

Quality Care

Transforming the way carryover is managed

For Families

Families get tools and support to increase motivation and collaboration. Read more
Engagement: Empowers families to embed home programs into everyday routines, thanks to timely reminders and illustrations.
Motivation: Provides clear and manageable targets to promote accountability.
Support: Increases therapist visibility, so out of sight doesn’t mean out of mind.

For Therapists

Therapists gain visibility, influence and time to amplify their impact. Read more
Efficiency: Saves time and reduces paperwork.
Influence: Increases visibility into what’s going on beyond the clinic.
Customization: Makes it quick and easy to adapt and tailor home programs.

For Clinics

Clinics benefit from increased productivity and client satisfaction. Read more
Measurability: Provides clear adherence metrics and reporting.
Productivity: Facilitates more efficient management of resources.
Impact: Raises family appreciation of therapy value and overall client satisfaction.

“I work with many families through the school. I do like the app and I have used it to demo what a diet looks like.” Read more…

Karen Gray, OT, Allegan Area
Educational Service Agency, MI
our story

Inspired by our kids and the people who care for them

We are Hadas and Oren. As parents of two young children with sensory issues, we know first hand just how vital carryover is, and just how difficult it can be to make it part of a family’s everyday life. That’s why a few years ago we created SensoryTreat with the goal of making home programs a fun and engaging part of the daily routine. Read more >

After seeing the extremely positive response of thousands of families to the app, we understood that we could go even further by giving therapists a helping hand to empower parents in their home program activities.

Therapists and parents need little convincing about the role carryover plays in improving the way a child functions and participates in daily activities. What they lack are tools to support and amplify their efforts.

For instance, we discovered that therapists want to customize home programs but too often resort to templates and “generic” advice due to time pressures, and that their picture of family engagement is too often clouded by memory bias. Likewise, we learned that parents want a way to log their feedback in real time and share this at their next meeting – but lack a way to do this.

We learned that therapists need a better way to gain greater visibility into what’s happening at home, and that parents need to feel that being out of sight doesn’t mean being out of mind. And, we understood that parents need more structured guidance, both at the start, in setting up the home program, and along the way to feel reassured that they are making tangible progress.

Thus, we set about creating a new and better way to facilitate the collaboration that we know can make a real impact on the success of carryover. The result: Our enhanced carryover platform that makes it easier for therapists to help families, for the ultimate benefit of all our children.


SensoryTreat is indebted to so many wonderful, talented practitioners and scholars who have generously given of their time and professional wisdom to help improve this tool. We are proud to be part of this amazing collaborative effort.
