Okay, I’ve got a new habit: starting this blog with a confession. I still did not set up the app!
I know I said that I finally found the time. And I meant it. I was at the doctor’s waiting room with my son when I wrote, and I stopped writing with all intent and purpose to set up the app. But just as I was about to start we were called in to the doctor… and then, well you know, I had other things on my mind.
Well tomorrow we were supposed to have another OT session but lucky for me, this week our OT had a visit at the kindergarten. So I’m off the hook: we have no meeting and I just earned another week before having to make up excuses for my poor parenting skills. But this time i really have to get this done. I mean, we started doing some of the activities, like this morning I did a good long session of joint squeezes. But we are still missing on what our OT said we should do – half hour before dinner. Okay so now I’m really going to stop writing in order to set up and the app….
Right after I answer this call.
Oren Steinberg, father of 2 sensational kiddos and co-founder of SensoryTreat.